Advanced Ayurvedic Treatment Plan

Google Meet Call : 60 Minutes

Choose this option if you have been diagnosed with a serious or chronic disease. This requires more time commitment from Dr. Vikram for better success. In addition to the regular treatment plan, your medical reports will be evaluated and a full Ayurvedic treatment plan will be created.

You will be prescribed super active herbal extracts made personally by Dr. Vikram. These medicinal herbal drops are specially formulated and unavailable anywhere else. Formulae will be custom blended specially for you. These drops are made with great care using highest quality herbs to work at a deep energetic level of the body and mind. 

Upon evaluation, if is indicated, you will be recommended the Ayurvedic BioCleanse protocol (Panchakarma) for deep detox and reset. This residential detox retreat is offered via a network of trusted Ayurveda doctors and will be discussed with you.

Includes personal follow-up access to Dr. Vikram for one month via phone (3 sessions of 10 minutes).

  • Charges for Ayurvedic formulations recommended will be billed separately. The total cost will depend on your specific evaluation and will be discussed with you.
  • The cost of Panchakarma BioCleanse, if indicated, will be separate and will require residential stay. Details will be shared on call.